Marin County Must-Do: Drakes Beach in West Marin
We are so lucky to have lots of beaches here in Marin County. Stinson Beach is the most popular for all around beach fun, Rodeo Beach is great for watching surfers, Tennessee Beach is a perfect hike destination. But it’s Drakes Beach that wins on pure WOW factor. The scenic drive out to Drakes is just under 90 minutes from our Marin Hotels. And worth it!
Situated out on the Point Reyes Peninsula on Drake’s Bay, Drake’s beach is bordered on one side by high white cliffs and on the other by the blue blue blue of Drakes Bay. You could spend several hours walking this beach from one end to the other, watching for ocean creatures and seeing what the waves drop on the shore.
And this beach park has all the mod cons: bathrooms, picnic tables, lots of parking, and a super visitor center.

While you’re in the area, consider an add-on: Chimney Rock Elephant Seal Overlook Trail. It’s flat, with stunning views, and as the name suggests you will often Sea Elephant Seals on the beach below.
The parking area for this trail is located about 15 minutes from Drakes. Note: it’s a one way road to this area so you will be pulling over the let cars coming in the other direction pass. Not super scary, just worth noting.
See you out there!