Best Place to Stay Cool This Summer: Marin County!
Summer is definitely in full swing, temperature-wise! In the San Francisco Bay Area that means a little something different than the rest of the country, because we have The Fog aka natural air conditioning! And cool ocean breezes! A stay at one of our Marin Hotels offers a respite from the sweltering heat, but you don’t have to just hang out in your guest room to experience heat relief. Read on for one of our favorite outdoor spaces to cool off when the temps are up.

Cool Breezes in the Marin Headlands
Located only a few minutes’ drive from any of our hotels, the Marin Headlands is our beautiful, expansive, and cool backyard. Set your navigation to Rodeo Beach where you can sit on the beach and shiver while you watch the surfers.
After you are sufficiently chilled, head up to Tennessee Point Trail. An easy 1.5-mile roundtrip with gorgeous views and cool breezes. It’s one of our Best Flat Hikes in Marin and also our Best Sunset Hike In Marin. This trail has so much to recommend!
“This trail along the bluff to Tennessee Point can't get any closer to the water without getting wet.”
— Phil DiGirolamo
How To. Park at the Rodeo Beach lot and head towards the Coastal Trail. You’ll veer toward the left for a slight uphill and then turn right to follow the Coastal Trail until you reach Tennessee Point. Enjoy that spot for a while before you turn around and head back the same way.
Note: Please stay on trail! As tempting as going off trail may be, the terrain is unstable.
See you out there!